Talking to Kids about the Events in Santa Monica

6/10/13 - By Roberta B

It grieves me more than I can express to be collecting resources for our community similar to those our Connecticut and Boston editors have had to research all too recently. The children of Santa Monica go back to school today for two days that were scheduled mostly with end-of-year picnics and field trips, but the time will also be spent processing a senseless, violent tragedy - this time in our own community. Whether your children heard the gunfire as they hid under their desks, were on a field trip at the college, knew victims, or just heard frightening rumors, all of them have questions. I hope some of the resources below may be helpful to families processing last Friday's events.



If you're looking for ways to move forward and make a difference, you can sign up for alerts and action points offered by these groups trying to help put an end to gun violence in our communities:

Our thoughts and prayers are with all who are grieving.